JavaScript extended libraries offer a wide range of capabilities for creating interactive and dynamic elements on websites. With these libraries, you can easily incorporate features such as drop-down menus, popups, modals, banner sliders, carousels, tooltips, animated buttons, dynamic content, form validation, and many more. By utilizing JavaScript libraries, developers can dynamically modify the user interface by manipulating HTML DOM elements and other components.

One of the advantages of using these libraries is that they provide pre-written functions and code snippets, which eliminates the need to write complex and lengthy code from scratch. This saves developers time and effort, allowing them to focus on other aspects of website development.

JavaScript libraries are an essential tool for building modern and dynamic websites. They enable developers to enhance the user experience and create visually appealing and interactive interfaces. In this discussion, we will explore the top 10 JavaScript libraries that are not only free but also easy to integrate into your projects. These libraries have gained popularity due to their extensive functionalities and ease of use.

So, let's dive into the discussion and discover the best JavaScript libraries that can help you create impressive and feature-rich websites.

01. jQuery


Developed by John Resig at BarCamp NYC in January 2006, jQuery is a stable JavaScript library that remains highly popular among web developers. The reason for its long-lasting success is its wide range of capabilities, such as animation control, event management, and the ability to create custom plugins. jQuery simplifies the process of manipulating HTML DOM, handling events, implementing CSS animations, and integrating Ajax functionality. As an open-source project, it continues to be maintained by a dedicated team of developers, making it a reliable choice for web development projects.

Official link: jQuery

02. jQuery UI

jquery ui

jQuery UI includes a collection of jQuery plugins designed to enhance the capabilities of the jQuery core library. It encompasses a variety of plugins, such as Accordion, Datepicker, Progressbar, Tooltip, Animations, Widgets, and Themes built on top of jQuery JavaScript Library. By utilizing this JavaScript UI library, you can create web applications with rich interactivity. It's essential to note that jQuery UI relies on jQuery, so you must include the jQuery core library beforehand. To understand the library in depth and see practical examples, I recommend visiting the official page, where you can access documentation and demos.

Official link: jQuery UI

03. Umbrella JS

umbrella js

Umbrella is an entirely open-source JavaScript library that provides functionality similar to jQuery but with certain limitations. This library allows you to perform tasks like event management, DOM manipulation, AJAX requests, and more. What sets Umbrella JS apart is its compact size and user-friendly nature. Its small footprint contributes to faster loading times, even on mobile devices. Additionally, its syntax closely resembles jQuery, making it accessible to those familiar with jQuery's syntax. For comprehensive documentation and more information, please visit their official website. Given its lightweight nature, it's highly recommended for individuals seeking quicker website loading with minimal code.

Official link: Umbrella JS

04. MooTools


MooTools, an open-source JavaScript library readily available on the Internet, stands for "My Object Oriented Tools." It serves as a comprehensive set of JavaScript utilities designed for developers with intermediate to advanced JavaScript skills. MooTools empowers you with capabilities like event handling, DOM manipulation, and Ajax calls. This library adopts an object-oriented programming approach and employs prototypical inheritance to expand on core JavaScript functionality. Initially, you may notice some differences compared to jQuery, but with guidance from the provided documentation and demos, you can seamlessly explore its potential.

Official link: MooTools

05. Zepto JS


Zepto.js is a lightweight, fast, and minimalistic JavaScript library designed for simplifying DOM manipulation and providing essential utilities for modern web development. With a file size of around 10KB(when gzipped), it provides a subset of jQuery's functionality, focusing on DOM manipulation, AJAX requests and event handling. It also supports a number of useful plugins, such as touch events, swipe gestures, and animations. In summary, Zepto JS offers a lightweight and efficient alternative to jQuery for mobile web development, with many useful features and plugins available.

Official link: Zepto JS

06. Lodash


Lodash is a widely-used open-source JavaScript utility library that simplifies and streamlines common programming tasks. With over 300 functions, Lodash provides a comprehensive toolkit for working with arrays, objects, strings, and more. It optimizes performance and cross-browser compatibility, making it invaluable for developers. Lodash functions can be easily integrated into projects and offer additional features like deep cloning, debouncing, throttling, and memoization. It is also an easy to learn library, with a wide range of documentation and tutorials available to help developers get started.

Official link: Lodash

07. Prototype JS

prototype js

Prototype.js is a powerful JavaScript framework that provides a comprehensive set of tools for simplifying web development. With a wide range of built-in functions and methods, Prototype.js enhances JavaScript's capabilities, making it easier to manipulate HTML elements, handle events, and manage AJAX requests. It also introduces useful utility functions for data manipulation and provides a robust set of APIs for creating dynamic web applications. Prototype.js promotes cleaner, more concise code by extending JavaScript's native objects and offering syntactic sugar for common tasks. Its intuitive syntax and extensive documentation make it a popular choice for developers seeking to streamline their JavaScript workflow.

Official link: Prototype JS

08. Cash


Cash is a lightweight JavaScript library that provides an easy-to-use API for DOM manipulation and traversal, event handling, AJAX requests, and animations. It is inspired by jQuery and provides similar functionality with a smaller file size and simpler syntax. Cash is focused on performance and speed, making it an ideal choice for building fast and responsive web applications. It has a small footprint, making it easy to integrate into projects without adding a lot of overhead. Cash is also highly modular, allowing developers to include only the necessary functionality. With its minimalistic design and powerful features, Cash is a great choice for modern web development.

Official link: Cash

09. Underscore JS

underscore js

Underscore.js is a versatile JavaScript library that simplifies common programming tasks with a rich set of utility functions. It provides a concise and functional approach to working with arrays, objects, functions, and more, enhancing code readability and maintainability. Though it doesn't have the extensive features of some modern frameworks, Underscore.js is still valuable for simplifying JavaScript code. With its extensive feature set and performance optimizations, Underscore.js is a popular choice among developers for enhancing productivity and writing clean and efficient code.

Official link: Underscore JS

10. Chibi


Chibi is a tiny JavaScript micro-library that provides a simple and efficient way to manipulate the DOM and interact with form elements. It is just 7KB minified, making it ideal for use in single-page web applications. It provides functions for selecting and manipulating DOM elements, getting and setting form field values, and adding and removing event listeners. Chibi is also very fast, typically executing DOM manipulation 20% to 50% faster than other popular JavaScript libraries. This is because Chibi is written in pure JavaScript and does not use any unnecessary frameworks or abstractions.

Official link: Chibi

Using a JavaScript library, such as jQuery, Umbrella JS, or Zepto JS, offers several significant benefits for web developers. First and foremost, libraries provide pre-written, well-tested code that can save developers substantial time and effort. They offer consistent and cross-browser compatible solutions for common tasks like DOM manipulation, AJAX requests, and UI components, ensuring that web applications function reliably across various platforms. Moreover, these libraries often have active communities and extensive documentation, making it easier to find support, learn best practices, and stay updated with evolving web development standards. By leveraging JavaScript libraries, developers can streamline their workflow, enhance code quality, and ultimately create more efficient and feature-rich web applications.