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1279 Words|9064 Characters
Reading Time
8 minutes

Discover the Top 10 Free JavaScript Libraries to Enhance Website Development.

JavaScript extended libraries offer a wide range of capabilities for creating interactive and dynamic elements on websites. With these libraries, you can easily incorporate features such as drop-down menus, popups, modals, banner sliders, carousels, tooltips, animated buttons, dynamic content, form validation, and many more. By utilizing JavaScript libraries, developers can dynamically modify the user interface by manipulating HTML DOM elements and other components. One of the advantages of using these libraries is that they provide pre-written functions and code snippets, which… Read More…

631 Words|4288 Characters
Reading Time
4 minutes

Why is color selection considered an essential aspect in website design?

Colors are an incredibly important factor in website design, because they can have a significant effect on user experience and engagement. Colors create visual stimulation, which can influence how users process information. Using bright colors may draw attention to certain parts of the webpage or evoke energy and excitement. Additionally, colors can communicate emotion, create brand identity and distinguish a website from its competitors. The use of color also has psychological effects, different hues convey different feelings to viewers, so it's… Read More…

605 Words|3996 Characters
Reading Time
4 minutes

Why the Mobile version of a Website is more important than Desktop.

The mobile version of a website has become increasingly important in today's digital landscape. With the growing popularity of smartphones and tablets, more and more people are using these devices to access websites. This means that if a website does not have a mobile version, it could be missing out on a huge chunk of potential customers. A mobile version of a website allows it to be accessed on any device, providing a better user experience for those accessing it on… Read More…

How to earn money with Graphic Design skills
537 Words|3182 Characters
Reading Time
4 minutes

How to earn money with Graphic Design skills?

Yes, what you read in the title is absolutely correct. You can make money using graphic design skills. Just remember that it is not so easy, you have to show your great talent. The current market is so competitive that you have to build yourself as a professional. Anyways… if you are a beginner, you can also practice yourself by doing projects. Client feedback is always helpful as it gives you the standard of your work. So let's start. There are… Read More…