What is a CSS Framework?

A CSS Framework is a library of predefined CSS classes. It can quickly produce layouts, buttons, forms and much more for websites, web applications and interfaces. Most frameworks are inbuilt with JavaScript libraries that can create more advanced elements such as models, parallax, navigation menus, and more. You should read all the documentation to know that which Framework can do what things. Here is a list of leading Frameworks that can make your projects awesome.

1. Bootstrap

Bootstrap is the most commonly used open source framework in all over the world. It is very user friendly and the team at Bootstrap updates it very frequently. This framework has some unique components that you may not find in other frameworks such as Colorful Spinners, Popovers, Progress, Scrollspy and more. Bootstrap is based on CSS Flexbox system and has its own open source SVG icon library. This Framework has inbuilt JavaScript library and clear documentation for all the classes and components. You can find lots of free templates and themes for Bootstrap from the Internet. I personally like it and always use this library in my projects.

Official website: getbootstrap.com

2. Materialize

Materialize is also an open source CSS Framework and has lots of exceptional components. It is based on CSS Float system and has its own huge icon library. This Framework includes a lot of HTML5 elements such as Breadcrumbs, Badges, Floating Buttons and lots of more things. It comes with its own JavaScript library which covers Carousel, Dropdowns, Tooltips and more. The plus point of this Framework is, it has large amount of Color Palette classes with shades. You can get lots of Materialize CSS tutorials from YouTube.

Official website: materializecss.com

3. Foundation

Foundation CSS Framework is not for beginners and has more components than classes. The HTML5 components it includes are Typography, Buttons, Navigation, Forms and more. Please see its official website to know more. You may have some difficulties using the Foundation for the first time. But after some time you will understand everything. It is based on both CSS Flexbox system and Float system. This Framework supports almost all modern browsers including IE. Foundation has its own animation library called Motion UI and some advanced plugins such as Equalizer, Toggler, Sticky and more. Take a look at the tutorials before using Foundation Framework.

Official website: get.foundation

4. Semantic UI

Semantic UI is one of the large-size open source CSS Frameworks available in the internet. This Framework can produce very stylish HTML5 elements. Semantic UI is based on CSS Flexbox system and has its own huge SVG icon library. Semantic UI provides very clear documentation for its classes and components. It has some unique modules like Checkbox, Dimmer, Rating, Search and many more. This Framework comes with its own JavaScript library which can validate the HTML5 forms at front-end side. Go for some tutorials in YouTube before using Semantic UI.

Official website: semantic-ui.com

5. Metro

Metro UI CSS Framework is a comprehensive version of Bootstrap. It comes with inbuilt JavaScript and covers almost every HTML5 element. Metro UI has very clear and large documentation. It has some impressive features such as File Input, Input material, Keypad, Double Slider, Info Box, Date Picker and lots of more. This Framework is based on CSS Flexbox system. Although its file size is slightly larger but it is fine for nowadays. Read every documentation before using Metro UI CSS.

Official website: metroui.org.ua