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Best Online CSS Compressor Tool
Explore the most exceptional CSS formatter tool available online
Discover the ultimate online tool for formatting CSS code
Wrap Lines
Options Panel
Beautify / Format / Re-indent
Multi line prettify output with proper Tab and Space Indentation.
Minify / Minimize
One line per one CSS class name with no Tab and no Indentation.
Compress / Optimize
Single line output with no multi Space, no Tab and no Indentation.
Beautify Options
Sort SelectorsCSS Formatter - Sort Selector
Sort Multi SelectorsCSS Formatter - Sort Multi Selectors
Sort PropertiesCSS Prettier - Sort Properties
Sort Media QueriesCSS Minifier - Sort Media Queries
Sort TypeCSS Formatter - Sort AlphabeticOnline CSS Beautifier - Sort Numeric
Merge Similar Media QueriesCSS Minifier - Merge Similar Media Query Names
Merge Similar ClassesCSS Compressor - Merge Similar Class Names
Remove DuplicatesBest CSS Formatter - Remove Duplicates
Last SemicolonProfessional CSS Code Optimizer - Remove Last Semicolon
Line Between ClassesFree CSS Minify Tool - Line Between Classes
Indent TypeOnline CSS Beautifier - Re-indent
CSS Code Beautifier Processing Preloader
Minify Options
Use Beautify OptionsOnline CSS Minimizer - Use Beautifier Options
Sort, Merge and Remove Duplicates
Last SemicolonCSS Formatter - Remove Last Semicolon
Space in BracesBest CSS Formatter - Add Space in Braces
Line Between ClassesOnline CSS Minify - Line Between Classes
Max CompressProfessional CSS Minifier - Max Compress
CSS Code Beautifier Processing Preloader
Compress Options
Use Beautify OptionsCSS Prettify - Use Beautifier Options
Sort, Merge and Remove Duplicates
Last SemicolonBest CSS Formatter Online - Remove Last Semicolon
Max CompressProfessional CSS Minifier - Max Compress
CSS Code Beautifier Processing Preloader

Best Online CSS Compressor Tool

An Introduction

We are excited to present our advanced CSS Compressor Tool, a professional solution designed to compress and optimize CSS code effectively. By reducing the CSS file size, this tool significantly decreases the load time of your websites, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free user experience. Experience the power of our CSS Compressor tool to enhance website performance and provide a faster browsing experience for your users.

How to Use

The highly regarded Best Online CSS Compressor Tool by roxunlimited is an invaluable resource for web developers, providing a wide range of advanced features to compress CSS code. Paste your CSS code into the 'Editor' panel and select the appropriate options to properly format the code. To get the desired output from your code, simply click one of the 'Beautify', 'Minify' or 'Compress' button located at the very bottom in the 'Options Panel'. You also can copy all the formatted code by clicking the 'Copy All' button at the upper right corner in the 'Output' panel. Simplify the process of importing and exporting CSS files with the latest version of CSS Compressor v3.0, allowing for seamless CSS file management.

When should I use CSS Compressor?

The primary purpose of using a CSS compressor is to optimize website performance for SEO by reducing the load time of CSS files. This can lead to quicker loading times, improved website speed, and enhanced user experience. Additionally, a compressed CSS file can also help save bandwidth and storage space. CSS compressor is a tool that is used to compress or minify CSS code. It works by removing unnecessary characters, spaces, comments, and line breaks from the CSS code, resulting in a smaller CSS file size.

Unique Key Features

  • User-oriented CSS Compressor with an attractive user interface.
  • Effortlessly sort and merge complex, nested CSS codes.
  • Merge media queries of equal values.
  • Lightweight and super fast execution of output.
  • Minify or Minimize the CSS Code into one row for one class name.
  • Removal of duplicate classes and property names.
  • Sort class names and properties by Alphabetic or Numeric order.
  • Effortless importing and exporting of CSS files.
What's New in CSS Compressor v.3.0

Introducing CSS Compressor 3.0, an exciting release packed with an array of new features and enhancements that take your CSS structuring to the next level. Our committed team of developers has worked tirelessly to improve the engine, providing you with a seamless and efficient method for compressing your CSS code. Experience an unparalleled and effortless CSS structuring journey with CSS Compressor 3.0, designed to deliver superior results.

One of the main features of this version is its ability to beautify multi-nested CSS code, even code containing media queries within media queries. With this enhancement, you can say goodbye to the inconvenience of solving complex hierarchies. Instead, you can enjoy the benefits of neatly organized and visually appealing stylesheets that are easy to understand.

We have implemented various impressive updates to further enhance your CSS:

  • Sort Multi Selectors: Enhance the readability and maintainability of your CSS code by effectively arranging and ordering multiple class and ID names within a rule.
  • Merge Similar Classes: Combine similar class names and their properties into a single class, reducing repetition and optimizing your code for maximum performance.
  • Line Between Classes: Enhance code readability by introducing distinct line breaks between classes, facilitating the separation and identification of individual styling blocks within your code
  • Import and Export CSS files: With the release of CSS Compressor v3.0, you now have the ability to directly import CSS files for beautification. After generating the final code, you can export it as a CSS file.

In addition to that, we have made significant enhancements to the core structures, improving their functionality and performance. As a result, you can expect to receive formatted CSS output at a much faster rate.

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CSS Formatter
CSS Minify
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