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Professional HTML5 Button Plugin

rx HTML Button Plugin will work in almost every HTML tag. This will smoothly work on 'a href link', 'button type button', 'input type button', 'input type submit', 'div tag' or even 'p tag'. The implementation time is less than 5 minutes, just link rx HTML5 Button Plugin source codes through CDN or direct to your website and get awesome looking HTML5 buttons. This Plugin is made with 'CSS3 Flex Technology', 'HTML5 Pseudo Elements and Selectors' and 'jQuery Library'. It is tested in all the latest versions of 'IE Edge', 'IE Explorer (10 and latest)', 'Firefox', 'Chrome' and 'Opera' browsers.

Video Demonstration

View in Code PlayGround


CDN Links

<link href="" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Download from GitHubDownload from GitHub


HTML Header Section

Link jQuery 1.12.4 CDN

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Link rxHTMLButton Plugin v0.3

<link href="xxx/jquery-rxHtmlButton-0.3-min.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="xxx/jquery-rxHtmlButton-0.3-min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {

HTML Body Section

<a class="alink" href="javascript:void(0)">Hover Me</a>


Gradient Fill
$(document).ready(function() {
backgroundColor: "#B83B79"

backgroundColor: "#B83B79",
gradientIntensity: 60

backgroundColor: "#B83B79",
backgroundBlendColor: "#FF794D",
gradientFrom: "left"

backgroundColor: "#B83B79",
backgroundBlendColor: "#FF794D",
backgroundHoverColor: "#260C19",
backgroundBlendHoverColor: "#FF4000"

backgroundColor: "#B83B79",
gradient: false,

Border Styles

$(document).ready(function() {
backgroundColor: "#338014",
borderWidth: 2

backgroundColor: "#338014",
borderWidth: 2,
borderIntensity: 40

backgroundColor: "#338014",
borderHoverWidth: 3

backgroundColor: "#338014",
borderWidth: 2,
borderColor: "#BBFF29",
borderHoverColor: "#0C7009"

backgroundColor: "#338014",
border: false

Font, Arrow and Shapes
$(document).ready(function() {
backgroundColor: "#7A4709",
customText: true,
customFontStyle: "poppins",
customFontWeight: 300,
customFontSize: 16

backgroundColor: "#7A4709",
customText: true,
customArrow: true,
customArrowStyle: "bullet"

backgroundColor: "#7A4709",
customText: true,
customArrow: true,
customSize: "small"

backgroundColor: "#7A4709",
customText: true,
customArrow: true,
roundedCorner: "full"

Hover Effects

$(document).ready(function() {
backgroundColor: "#006F73",
customText: true,
customArrow: true,
hoverExpand: true

backgroundColor: "#006F73",
customFontColor: "#FFD969",
customFontHoverColor: "#52FFB4",
customText: true,
customArrow: true,
hoverExpand: true,
blackOverlay: true
Built-in Themes
$(document).ready(function() {
builtinTheme: "rx01"

builtinTheme: "rx02"

builtinTheme: "rx03"

builtinTheme: "rx04"

builtinTheme: "rx05"

Full Keywords List

backgroundColor: String with Hash and HEX code
Default value: "#2176B8"
backgroundHoverColor: String with Hash and HEX code
Default value: ""
gradient: Boolean (true|false)
Default value: true
gradientFrom: String with fix keywords ("top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right")
Default value: "top"
backgroundBlendColor: String with Hash and HEX code
Default value: ""
backgroundBlendHoverColor: String with Hash and HEX code
Default value: ""
gradientIntensity: Integer (0 - 100)
Default value: 30
border: Boolean (true | false)
Default value: true
borderWidth: Integer (0 - 100)
Default value: 1
borderHoverWidth: Integer (0 - 100)
Default value: null
borderColor: String with Hash and HEX code
Default value: ""
borderHoverColor: String with Hash and HEX code
Default value: ""
borderIntensity: Integer (0 - 100)
Default value: 5
customText: Boolean (true | false)
Default value: false
customTextval: String
Default value: "Let's Go"
customFont: Boolean (true | false)
Default value: true
customFontStyle: String with fix keywords ("exo" | "firasans" | "livvic" | "muli" | "poppins" | "raleway" | "roboto")
Default value: "raleway"
customFontColor: String with Hash and HEX code
Default value: ""
customFontHoverColor: String with Hash and HEX code
Default value: ""
customFontWeight: Integer with fix keywords (300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900)
Default value: 600
customFontSize: Integer (0 - 100)
Default value: 15
customArrow: Boolean (true | false)
Default value: false
customArrowStyle: String with fix keywords ("bullet" | "double" | "jet" | "machine" | "sign" | "thick" | "thin")
Default value: "jet"
blackOverlay: Boolean (true | false)
Default value: false
roundedCorner: String with fix keywords ("big" | "calendar" | "full" | "none" | "oval" | "small" | "squircle" | "squircleAlt")
Default value: "small"
hoverExpand: Boolean (true | false)
Default value: false
customSize: String with fix keywords ("small" | "medium" | "big")
Default value: "medium"
animate: Boolean (true | false)
Default value: true
builtinTheme: String with fix keywords ("rx01" | "rx02" | "rx03" | "rx04" | "rx05")
Default value: ""
Connect with us
If you require any kind of website related services, feel free to contact us for a quote. We will reach out to you as quickly as possible.
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